Thursday, December 19, 2013

Loaded Lacquer Mintallica

Press Sample

Happy Thursday friends!  Today I have another Loaded Lacquer polish to show you.  It is no secret that I adore Loaded Lacquer and Heather.  I have bought nearly all of her polishes and I am NEVER disappointed by them.  Heather kindly sent me Mintallica for swatching.  It goes on very easy, the formula is just perfect!

The description of Mintallica is  Multi sized matte mint hexagons and dots, metallic gunmetal hexagons, holographic gunmetal hexagons.  My pictures below are taken outdoors but we had not a peep of sunshine so the holographic does not show up but trust me it is in there and it is gorgeous!!  There are other photos at that show all of the holographic goodness. I used NYC Siderwalkers as my base (a light grey)

Two coats of Mintallica over Sidewalkers.

I personally love metallic glitter and as you can see Mintallica delivers that perfectly along with Minty fun!  

This last picture does show a tad of the holographic glitter.  It was part of a failed mani due to the base I used.  Gone grey from Sally Hansen Insta dri.  I love this line but this particular grey metallic base was very streaky and was awful on the other nails.  This is three coats of Mintallica over that and you can see a tad of the awful Gone grey peeping through in places.

Another brilliant creation from Loaded Lacquer!  If you are like me and love glitters and unique creations I urge you to check out Loaded Lacquer!  Though this is a press sample I do spend my own money on Loaded Lacquer polishes and they are high quality!  Thanks for coming by and Happy polishing!!  xoxo Jiame


  1. Really nice polish and I absolutely love the name!
    Let's hope Loaded Lacquer starts shipping to me soon :D

    1. It is fantastic! I really hope that shipping goes well so she can add The Netherlands to the list of places she can send her beautiful creations!!

  2. Another great glitter Jaime and your macro pics are great!!

    1. Thank you! I have been trying really hard to improve them!


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