Monday, November 18, 2013

Mani Monday Favorite Green!

Happy Mani Monday!  This week the girls from Mani Monday will be showing their favorite green polish.  I don't have to many greens in my collection and most of them are either a strong mint shade or an olive green.  My favorite green is from Sinful Colors and it is called Mint apple.  We had strong storms on Sunday and I was not able to get an outside photo and for the life of me I could not get the color to adjust in the light box.  This picture is not exact color accurate.  I was pretty sure I had my pictures down pat but I have been extremely off my game about frustrating!!!

 Light box

Light box
I darkened this photo a bit to get close to the darker green this polish can be,

Mint apple has a lovely shimmer running through it which sadly did not translate to my photo very well at all.  Working with a Light box has been a challenge for me as I feel some colors just wont photograph the same but with my schedule and our weather it is a must for me to get even close on some days.

My favorite nudeish green is a polish that is no longer available sadly.  It is Caught with my khakis down by Sephora by OPI. I found mine at Marshall's.  If you have a chance to pick this up at a similar store it is a very nice Khaki green.  This photo is very true to color.

Light box

 My current favorite olive green can be seen here in a previous blog post No S-pear Time.  Thanks for stopping by and Happy polishing! xoxo Jaime 


  1. Both are lovely!
    Love the shimmer in the Sinful Colors.

  2. Love those greens! I agree with Anca, the shimmer in the one from Sinful Colors is so, so pretty!


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